Who has not at some point arrived late to an appointment because we failed to plan for the transition time to get there? You know, the unexpected tasks that seem to pop up: putting on jackets and hats, buying gas for the car, getting the kids ready, or looking for the misplaced keys. Unexpected tasks can delay even the most organized person, however, for those with ADD these unplanned tasks tend to be the norm. The devil is in the planning, thinking ahead to anticipate what might need to be done between point A and point B. Planning does not come naturally to some people but (click on Read More to continue)
What? Nutrition affects clutter?
Clearing clutter and getting organized require executive function skills such as defining tasks, planning steps, initiating tasks, staying on track, and following through. When our executive function skills are compromised through inadequate nutrition, our brain’s ability to function is diminished. So, yes, nutrition plays a critical role in supporting brain function and therefore aiding our decluttering ability. This concept may sound far-fetched but I will describe the logic and then list which foods to avoid and include for best brain performance. I will conclude with a bit of motivation. (Click on Read More) You would likely benefit from a strong body to successfully declutter your home, but this post is about strengthening the mind in preparation for decluttering. In a previous post on self-care, we learned that quality sleep improves brain function and in turn enhances the specific skills needed for decluttering and organizing tasks. To repeat, those skills include defining tasks, planning steps, initiating steps, staying on track, and completing tasks. Sleep is only one of the three basic components of self-care. The others are nutrition and exercise. Today’s topic is physical exercise and I will show how it strengthens the brain to enhance those skills. (Click on Read More to continue.)
What does self-care have to do with organizing your home? In some cases – everything. Here’s why. Basic self-care (sleep, nutrition and exercise) improves brain function and good brain function supports effective decluttering and organizing skills. If you are challenged by clutter, overwhelmed by too much stuff, don’t know where to start or lack energy to make decisions consider self-care to bolster your decluttering efforts! Today’s focus is on the sleep component. Upcoming posts will discuss the value of nutrition and exercise.
First, let’s identify the necessary decluttering and organizing skills. What is virtual organizing? It is exactly as it sounds – working on decluttering and organizing tasks over the phone or via a video platform using a phone, tablet or computer. Though the professional organizer is not on site, the procedure is the same as in person: set goals, sort, declutter, organize, and maintain systems in your home. The professional organizer still provides motivation, focus, accountability, guidance, and encouragement at a distance. Here are the benefits, responsibilities and expectations. (Click on Read More to continue.)
If you experience a lack of motivation to declutter your home try these solutions to get in gear!
1. INVOLVE SOMEONE ELSE IN YOUR DECLUTTER EFFORTS. Enlist a clutter buddy, a friend or relative, who will work with you to keep you focused. They might even keep your spirits up and manage time for you. Set up a declutter schedule on your calendar, then find someone to whom you will be accountable. Again, this might be a friend or relative. They don’t necessarily have to be physically on site. You can simply check in with them and follow up later with a progress report. (click on Read More to continue)
Parents, are you dreading the start of the school year and its uncertainty? In this age of COVID-19, school districts struggle with their back-to-school plans. Who knows how these plans will work out in the long term?
Whatever the situation, it is likely that children will spend a good amount of time learning remotely this year. With that in mind, we can plan ahead to create a calm home atmosphere that’s conducive to learning. How to do this? (... with a coaching organizer.)
1. improve self-discovery and awareness A coaching organizer uses coaching skills to help you learn about yourself. Through the transformative coaching process you realize your strengths, resources, goals and life values. You come to a new awareness of how to handle the issue at hand, whether it is a decision, problem, or roadblock, that keeps you from successfully decluttering. 2. ensure organizing tasks are aligned with life goals The coaching organizer partners with you to ensure that your decluttering decisions align with your life goals and values. (Click on Read More to continue) We now offer the empowering techniques of coaching as part of our organizing services.
What is coaching? Basically coaching is a guided conversation with the purpose of effecting change. According to the International Coach Federation website, coaching is the partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. A coach encourages clients' self-discovery, believes clients are experts in their own lives, and holds clients accountable. Some techniques that a coach uses are: partnering, active listening, powerful questioning, and endorsing a client’s strengths. The coach helps clients dig deeper to uncover their unique perspectives. Organizing coaching topics include: exploring goals, getting unstuck, working on motivation, resolving a decision or simply gaining clarity on an organizing issue. Coaching makes the difference! How is coaching integrated into organizing? Coaching is often used up front to clarify goals and to explore a client’s motivation for change. During a session, coaching ensures that progress aligns with the client's goals. When a client reaches a roadblock during an organizing session, coaching is effective to explore and resolve the issue expeditiously. Following a session, coaching is used to evaluate progress, acknowledge success and establish future actions. Coaching is equally productive in the hands-on situation or in virtual sessions. Is coaching for you? You never know until you try it. Inquire about our complimentary coaching call. You will be surprised at how empowering coaching can be!
(OR you can organize your basement!)
Carol Martin-Ward, encouraging practical ideas for easy organizing Archives
March 2021